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Over countless ages, Space Historians have dedicated themselves to documenting and studying life forms across the universe.

The amorphous space historians are the first intelligent beings in the universe's history. They were born on Methuselah's planet, which was created in the early pre-light era of the universe. They were able to escape the destruction of their planet by encoding their consciousness into the sub-quantum world, so they have no bodies. This enables them to establish an array of space telescopes and immense mirrors across the cosmos.


Through this setup, the Beekers and the cyborgs, having discovered a telescope on the planetoid, peer into their past by directing the mighty telescope towards the mirror positioned light years away. Double every light-year (the distance that light travels in a year) that the target mirror is distant, and you have the years you can see back into your own history! Or stated differently, light travels from one’s own planet out many light-years (the distance that light travels in a year) to the mirror and bounces back. Thus, the observer peering through the space telescope, can see the light that left eons ago from their own planet…and thus see their distant past! This discloses the hidden truth to the Beekers that "The Others," a term used by Emperor Page to dehumanize the cyborg's race and justify their slavery and resource exploitation, actually share a common ancestry with the Emperor's race.

Rather than the alien monsters that Page’s propaganda makes them out to be to the people of Earus, both sides are human beings. So much for species superiority!
Suppressing this information makes killing our heroes Page's highest priority! Previously, the Space Historians took a hands-off approach and never interfered with any living being's situation. However, Emperor Page's pact with the Dark Lord has created a situation where all life could be frozen into stasis. The Space Historians also value diversity in life and freedom. They cannot save the universe from Page and the Dark Lord themselves, having no physical form -- they need the Beeker family and their friends to do it for them. They have struggled down through the ages against the Dark Lord.

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